“Interviews are the Only Things that Matter”
August 24th, 2009 by lewis
TweetCareerbuilder posted an article about 10 things you’re doing wrong in the job search. Interestingly enough, five out of the 10 items are related to interviews:
- You don’t recognize that face-to-face interviews are the only things that matter.
- You don’t prepare well for interviews.
- You’re not selling yourself.
- You have the attitude, “What can you do for me?”
- You give poor reasons for leaving your job.
On #1, I’ve never been bold enough to say “interviews are the only things that matter,” but I’d have to largely agree. As a hiring manager at Microsoft and Google, I use resumes to determine whether someone was worth a phone interview. From there, I rarely refer to the resume. I focus on using the interview to determine whether or not to pass them onto the next round — or if appropriate, make the job offer.
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